
3 Ways to Avoid Issues with Your Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

When you have a cracked, chipped or decaying tooth, you might need a dental crown. In some cases, a large cavity or an old filling might also require a crown to fix it. There are many other situations for which Dr. White at White & Haines Advanced Dentistry recommends patients get a crown. Once you have one, you want to be sure to take care of it through the following actions.

Keep up Oral Hygiene

It should be common practice to have an appropriate level of oral hygiene, especially on the off chance that you have dental crowns. This includes the usual brushing and flossing multiple times a day. Be cautious when you brush, as apply too much force can prompt harm to your gums. Furthermore, you need to get standard checkups and proficient cleanings performed by a professional so you don’t wind up with extreme tartar and plaque buildup, which can irritate the gums and cause issues.

Stay away from Certain Foods

A permanent crown doesn’t have strict guidelines when it comes to food. However, there are a couple of tips you should be aware of. Contingent upon the placement of your crown within your arch, you should keep away from or if nothing else, proceed with caution with certain hard foods. For instance, in the event that you have a crown that’s in the front to avoid hard foods like, old fashioned corn or an apple. You should also steer clear of sticky foods, as they can make the crown loosen. Your dentist may personally recommend certain foods to stay away from.

Ensure Your Teeth

Even though dental crowns are durable, they are not exactly as strong as your natural teeth. Utilizing a mouthguard is a sound way to ensure your new crowns won’t sustain damage. Particularly in situations where you’re playing sports, grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw.

Reach Us

You can reach us at our Cornelius, North Carolina office to schedule a consultation with Dr. White. He will talk about other dental options to keep your teeth as healthy as possible, including crowns and other dental work you may need.

Make an appointment today and we will give you a reason to smile!
